> Formations > Management - Développement personnel > formation Développement personnel > formation Travailler en anglais et à l'international > formation Anglais commercial > test-pr�requis

Formation Anglais commercial (GBC)

Testez vos connaissances pour valider les prérequis

1 - The clients ….were in the office yesterday are from the United States
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2 - He has been put in charge of office …and supplies
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3 - The people sitting at the back of the conference room can't hear you so you will have to ...
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4 - A conductor…
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5 - Alex ….for the firm for over 25 years now.
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6 - Because of the ….high costs, the new product won't be ready till next year
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7 - Have a safe….
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8 - The CEO had items …from the agenda
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9 - You can buy books…
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10 - He applied …a job in an Internet start up
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11 - The new campaign…last week
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12 - Fred loves
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13 - To board a plane you need
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14 - The report was…to be found
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15 - This piece of software includes a number of new…
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Une fois les réponses validées, vous ne pourrez plus modifier vos choix.